Create Grid Points On Intersecting Grid Strings In 12d

by George Mylne // Last edited October 2, 2022
12d create grid points 210322

In 12d you can create points on intersecting grid lines and have the points named with the grid line identifiers.

The following steps will explain how to do this, and create points at the intersection of grid lines as in below the image.

12d create grid points 210322

1. Create/Import Grid Lines

12d grid lines un named 210322

Create or import the grid lines for your projcet.

2. Open Change String Panel

12d name grid line strings 210322

Open the Change panel to be able to modify the string names.

3. Change String Names

12d change string name 210322

Enter in the new name for the string, click start and select the string that you want to be named. Continue doing this until all of the strings are renamed.

4. Turn On String Names

12d turn on string names 210322

To see if you have done this correctly, turn on the string names as shown above.

5. Check Strings Are Named Correctly

12d string names all changed 210322

Check that each of the strings have been named correctly.

6. Open Grid Setout Panel To Create Points

12d grid setout panel 210322

Open the Grid Setout panel.

7. Create Grid Line Intersection Points

12d specify grid point model 210322

In the Grid Setout panel select the model that the grid strings are on, type in the name you wish to give the grid points, and then select Run.

8. Turn On Grid Points Model

12d turn grid point model on 210322

Turn on the grid point model and you should see correctly named strings at the intersection of each grid.

About the author George Mylne

George has been a surveyor for over 13 years, working across a wide range of projects and industries. In this blog, he shares his experiences and information gathered from his time on mining, civil and surveying projects.

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