TSC7: Change the Direction the Joystick Moves the Total Station

by George Mylne // Last edited March 18, 2023
Trimble TSC7 how to change direction instrument spins with joystick

If when you are operating a Trimble Total station remotely with a TSC7, and when you press left on the joystick, the instrument moves right. This can be fixed so that when you press left on the joystick, the instrument rotates to the left, and when you press right on the joystick, the instrument rotates to the right.

The steps to fix this are:

  1. Open the instrument functions.
  2. Open the joystick function.
  3. Select the total station/prism button to properly reflect how you are operating it.

For a more detailed step-by-step guide with pictures, please read below.

How to inverse the joystick direction on a Trimble TSC7

Total Time: 1 minute

  1. Open the Instrument Functions

    230228 TSC7 open the instrument functions 1

    Click on the instrument icon in the top bar to open the instrument functions.

  2. Open the Joystick

    230228 TSC7 select joystick to open it 1

    Select the joystick from the instrument functions to open the joystick.

  3. Change Instrument Perspective

    230228 TSC7 Change the joystick perspective 1

    Click on the instrument/prism icon to change the perspective of the joystick. By default the joystick operates as if you are behind it. If you are operating the total station remotely with a controller switch the joystick perspective, now when you press right the instrument will turn right, and when you press left, the instrument will turn left.

About the author George Mylne

George has been a surveyor for over 13 years, working across a wide range of projects and industries. In this blog, he shares his experiences and information gathered from his time on mining, civil and surveying projects.

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