Trimble TSC7 Backsight Check

by George Mylne // Last edited March 18, 2023
Trimble S8 tribrack mount on column LNG gas construction surveying

Getting regular backsight checks when surveying is very important. The backsight check is proof that the total station is still set up correctly, up until that point, which may be very important to have.

If a surveyor was not doing regular backsight checks, and there ended up being issues on site with points set out in the incorrect position, or a traverse not closing within tolerance, how would you know when the error began showing up in the data?

You would need to restart your survey all over again.

Fortunately measuring and saving backsight checks in the Trimble TSC7 is very easy to do. Follow the below steps on how to do it.

How to get a backsight check and review it with a Trimble TSC7

  1. Open the menu

    230315 Step 1 TSC7 Check Backsight Open menu

    From the map screen, select the hamburger icon (1) to open the menu.

  2. Open measure topo application

    230315 Step 2 TSC7 Check Backsight Measure topo

    You then need to open the Measure topo application.

  3. Open check shot

    230315 Step 3 TSC7 Check Backsight select check

    In the bottom bar, select Check.

  4. Open backsight check

    230315 Step 4 TSC7 Check Backsight select check backsight

    In the bottom bar select Check Backsight (Chk BS).

  5. Check Backsight

    230315 Step 5 TSC7 Check Backsight select turn

    The prism height and prism type will be automatically selected as the total station will remember the prism details for your backsight.

    Press turn in the bottom bar and the instrument will turn straight to your backsight, then press Measure.

  6. Review check backsight results

    230315 Step 6 TSC7 Check Backsight review action and residuals

    Review all of the results of the backsight check.

    If everything is within tolerance, you can leave the Action as Store as check and press Store in the bottom right of the screen.

  7. Store and reorient after backsight check

    230315 Step 7 TSC7 Check Backsight Store and reorient

    If you have some horizontal angle error, from the action list you can select Store and reorient. This will reset the horizontal angle to your backsight check.

    This is important to do as the Trimble total station’s horizontal angle tends to increase over time the longer an instrument is set up. This will reset any drift and ensure your survey is being done accurately.

  8. Review previous check shots

    230315 Step 8 TSC7 Check Backsight Review job

    If you need to review a previous check shot you can do this by selecting the hamburger menu and then going to Job data >> Review job.

  9. Review previous check shots (cont)

    230315 Step 9 TSC7 Check Backsight Review check shot

    Find the check shot in the list of points and select it.

    You will see the deltas on the right-hand side of the screen.

About the author George Mylne

George has been a surveyor for over 13 years, working across a wide range of projects and industries. In this blog, he shares his experiences and information gathered from his time on mining, civil and surveying projects.

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