Trimble Total Station Serial Number: How to Find It

by George Mylne // Last edited March 18, 2023
Trimble total station SPS930

You can find the serial number for a Trimble total station in two places:

  • On a sticker on the underside of the total station, or
  • Viewing the instrument settings on a connected Trimble controller.

Method 1 – Instrument Sticker

If you look underneath the total station, you will find a sticker that gives the following details:

  • Instrument type
  • Instrument serial number
  • Instrument accuracy
  • Direct reflex capabilities
Where to find serial number on Trimble total station sticker
Underneath the total station, you will find a sticker that shows the instrument’s serial number.

Method 2 – Connected Trimble Controller

You can also find out the serial number of an instrument by connecting your Trimble controller to it and viewing the instrument settings. Follow these three steps on how to do it on a Trimble TSC7.

Step 1

Click on the (1) “hamburger” menu icon in the top left.

230224 Open the menu on the trimble tsc7

Step 2

From the list select (1) Instrument, then select (2) Instrument Settings.

230224 Select instrument and then settings

Step 3

The instrument settings screen will show the instrument serial number. It will also show the Instrument type and the accuracy of the instrument.

230224 Instrument settings showing the Trimble total station serial number

About the author George Mylne

George has been a surveyor for over 13 years, working across a wide range of projects and industries. In this blog, he shares his experiences and information gathered from his time on mining, civil and surveying projects.

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