AutoCAD Navigation Bar

by George Mylne // Last edited October 2, 2022
AutoCAD NavBar featured image

What Is The AutoCAD Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar in AutoCAD is a floating tool bar that gives you quick access to tools that will help you manipulate the model space view. The tools that are available in the Navigation bar include:

  • SteeringWheels,
  • Pan,
  • Zoom tools, and
  • Orbit.
AutoCAD NavBar
AutoCAD Navigation Bar

The tools available in the Navigation bar may vary depending on the AutoCAD product you are using.

How To Turn Navigation Bar On In AutoCAD

If the Navigation Bar is missing in AutoCAD, there are 2 ways to get the Navigation Bar back in AutoCAD. They are from the view tab or using the command bar.

Turn Navigation Bar On In AutoCAD Using The View Tab

  1. Change your Workspace to 3D Modelling.
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2. Select View, then in the Viewport Tools select the Navigation Bar to turn the navigation cube on.

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Turn The Navigation Bar On In AutoCAD Using The Command Bar

  1. Type NAVBAR into the command bar.
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2. Type or select ON to turn the Navigation Bar on.

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How To Turn Navigation Bar Off In AutoCAD

There are 2 ways to turn the Navigation Bar in AutoCAD off. They are from the view tab or using the command bar.

Turn Navigation Bar Off In AutoCAD Using The View Tab

  1. Change your Workspace to 3D Modelling.
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2. Select View, then in the Viewport Tools un-select the Navigation Bar to turn the navigation bar off.

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Turn The Navigation Bar Off In AutoCAD Using The Command Bar

  1. Type NAVBAR into the command bar.
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2. Type or select OFF to turn the Navigation Bar off.

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If you want to be able to either turn on the Navigation Bar in AutoCAD or turn off the Navigation Bar in AutoCAD, I have detailed 2 methods that will help you do both.

About the author George Mylne

George has been a surveyor for over 13 years, working across a wide range of projects and industries. In this blog, he shares his experiences and information gathered from his time on mining, civil and surveying projects.

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